Our Story

The year 2020 was a wakeup call. That year taught me that although life will always give us things beyond our control, we have a responsibility to do everything we can to be prepared for the unknown. Personally, I was unmotivated, lazy, stressed, overweight, and had no goals or dreams. The unhealthy changes I saw on the outside were only a reflection of what was happening on the inside. Even while being in full-time ministry, I was content to do the minimum to fulfill my responsibilities. Something had to change.

In 2021, everything changed. That’s when a friend encouraged me to take on a 6-week challenge for men. Before I even knew what was required, I fully committed. During that challenge, I learned how to let the Holy Spirit have control of every area of my life. I learned physical disciplines as I controlled what I ate and began a routine of daily exercise. I grew in my spiritual disciplines as I began to embrace the uncomfortable that happens when your faith is stretched. My relationships were strengthened as I became more selfless as a husband and father. And I began to dream about what could happen if I carried this commitment and discipline to other areas of my life, such as in ministry and future plans.

Those 6 weeks resulted in such a positive change that I knew I had to share it with others. I reached out to the men at my church and many of them went through the same challenge and left with nearly identical results. From that point, God began to burden my heart for others that could benefit from what I’ve learned. Immediately, my heart went to pastors. I know what it’s like to be so focused on your congregants that you feel guilty for taking care of yourself. But as Craig Groeschel often says, “Everyone wins when the leader gets better.” For our local churches to grow and make a bigger Kingdom impact, it requires the leaders to improve. This business is a result of me being obedient to what God called me to share. If my story connects with you, I would love to help you experience the positive life change that God has allowed me to experience myself. It will change your ministry, your body, and your life!

-BJ Herndon